Welcome to STEAM class!


Where we learn to innovate…

According to the World Economic Forum report, “in 2020, more than one-third (36%) of all jobs across all industries are expected to require complex problem-solving as one of their core skills.”  Students of the 21st century need to think independently and solve increasingly complex problems.  Skills that are needed for this are problem-solving, critical thinking, collaboration and creativity.   This is the main foundation for the curriculum in STEAM class.  Integrating these skills among different content areas, includes not only exposing students to a combination of Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math but also language arts.  The emphasis on literacy is important as this is preparing students to write reports, transfer technical processes into writing and effectively communicate their outcomes.

In the future, students will have to embrace new technologies that do not exist yet.  Research shows that teaching students comprehensive innovation and cultivating their ability to solve problems will then prepare them to apply their skills to new technologies.  In STEAM class the focus is on all of these important facets of learning.  What is being taught more importantly than 3D Engineering, Laser Cutting, Programming and Robotics are the skills and resources of grit, perseverance and the ability and resourcefulness to learn new technologies while applying prior knowledge.  The goal is to make STEAM class fun yet innovative and productive.  Students will be applying their prior knowledge to create solutions to problems, innovate and iterate and show evidence of their learning through digital portfolios.